Book value of Opti $7.90 works out to roughly 1.55 billion. If you look at Nexens 735mil for 15% of Opti ,The remaining 35% is worth 1.7 billion and believe me Nexen new Opti's finianal problems and I believe a little bottom feeding was happening remember this was happening when oil was roughly $50/Barrel . Move oil to 75 to 80 dllrs/barrel and tell me what Opti is worth. One thing for sure Nexen would have never spent 735 mil if they new the plant was a bust. If there is a suitor out there believe me they know the value of Opti and so does management. I think our best bet is not to sell let oil rise and get plant producing and we will see $20/share soon enough. Like Warren Moon used to say go long.