Coal use will increaseover the next 50 years.
Interesting article in last months Utah "Sun Advocate" (link at end of quotes).
Some highlights include the following quotes from the article about the coming world
increases "and" shortages of Coal for electricity usage.
(highlights mine)
By 2030, U.S. demand for coal is expected to jump by 48 percent. Worldwide demand is anticipated to increase 73 percent, driven rising energy consumption in China and India, explained foundation researchers.
The worldwide market for energy consumption is expected to increase 57 percent from 2004 to 2030, with electrical generation nearly doubling 2004's rate in 2030. By 2030, the worldwide energy consumption from coal-based resources is expected to increase to 28 percent.
However, fossil fuels are an inherently diminishing finite resource. Worldwide oil reserves could start drying up in 50 years, followed by coal in 50 to 100 years. If overall consumption increases and per capita energy usage climbs, estimates are shorter. Diminishing supplies will likely lead to price increases and, eventually, scarcity of fossil fuel-based energy like gasoline and coal-powered electricity, concluded the independent organization's researchers.