STOCK_PIMPleI have no shares in CXX but i am looking at it now (but I waiting for another sell-off in the markets this spring early summer to load up on stocks)
sold out CXX at over $3.00 when peter put his first sell on it
looks like a no brainerat anything under 30 cents
StockPIMPLE suggested to buy DMC and MGA (i had both in my portfolio 2 years ago) both good companies which i would also invest in
stockPIMPLE is bashing CXX because its down so much
so are his 2 picks DMC down $17.00 to $2.00
MGA down $9.00 to $2.00 (and MGA recently hit a low of $0.45)
so his logic just doesn't wash
so this retard should stick to bashing MAYSTEELER like a pyscho on other boards and let real investors talk here