Has anyone heard when theBORED of DIRECTION will be applying for sand claims in Costa Rica, or Cancun? I think there's a better grade of sand in those spots than the company ever found during all those years of "activity" (lol lol lol) in NEVADA!
With the PP closed now they should have enough for a nice little office in Vegas maybe? How about GOLD, COPPER, and SILVER exploration somewhere along Myrtle Beach? URANIUM exploration in Hawaii would be good now! How about DEEP SEA exploration from the newest, well equipped CRUISE SHIPS? I also heard a rumor that Barbados is extremely rich in the slippery, yet irritating element known as THOVARIUM?
Aaah shucks, I forgot, this POS hasn't explored for anything in years, contrary to their "make a wish web site"! But maybe it's different now! YES YES YES! I feel like things will really be moving forward, especially when they start consulting with the experts (Expedia, Travelocity, SelloffVacations). Think of how many AIRBORNE SURVEYS are at their fingertips now! There's OIL off the coast of Italy and Spain! Limestone in France and Greece! COAL and POTASH in Australia? I bet Thailand has something worth "researching" with the new windfall lol lol lol!
Wow, the possibilities have really opened up now that the PP is closed hahahahahahahaha hohohohohohohoho hehehehehehehehe!!!!!!!!
I sure hope they've forgot about that Vic Mine thing, and that positive cash flow thing the lying maggots were pumping here. Whew, let's just forget about all that nonsense now that there's money to burn again! YIPPEEE. OPTIONS TIME!!!!!