RE: In mY Opinion
To buy TVI in the last 18 mths and then sell just as they get the mine operational blows my mind, even if you bought years ago and are holding it today still blows my mind that they are selling, TVI track record sucks no doubt but if this goes the way its been laid out we are in for some nice returns on our investment. I will tell you this if TVI is selling at 3 cents next week I am going to load up some more.
I worked for a company in the early 90's called Bethlehem resources they bought a little copper mine north of Revelstoke B.C 12-1500 ton/day milling capacity very much like TVI has now, they made very good cash flow, They had the means to develop other properties and the first one they did was Mount polley big copper mine outside of Williamsons Lake B.C, Changed their name to Imperial Metals and away they went. I look at TVI and the potential for them to have a big copper ore body some day is looking good and they will have the means to fund the drilling and help get the project of the ground.
Will they be successful as Bethlehem was who knows but the potential is their right now and I won't be scared away at least not right now. We have some news coming out that will help TVI
1- 2nd qrter finances
2- Starting of the drilling program on Tamarok
3- more shipment reports
4- 3rd qrter finances
5- Drilling results ( hopefully very good) Have a good weekend everyone ( do your own dd on every stock you buy)