GREY:ENGFF - Post by User
Comment by
steadfaston Jun 16, 2009 10:49am
Post# 16074013
RE: My thoughts...
RE: My thoughts...Tasser:
I am happy to read that you, too are hoping the Russian delegation will shed some light on
Block 1711. I am hoping that Stefan Fischer will be able to also shed some light with items that
are discussed on the Agenda. The fact the Minister referred to the Kudu field possibly coming on
stream, I wonder if the rumour of Block 1711 gas find being 10 times greater than the Kudu field
is another reason for continuing the secret. Do we have to wait for the Operators of the Kudu field
to agree to their project and pricing of gas? All the more reason why we need a confirmation of
the rumour of Oil being discovered as well.
Glad ENG have the money in the bank to finance the seismic and drilling of Congo, at least they
can march forward with that. Once the resource estimate is released, they will no doubt get another
$11M in the till, so for those who talk about Chapter 11, I think they need to do more DD.
Interesting that the Russians are visiting Nigeria, Angola and Namibia, hard to believe they would
not have GAS & OIL on the Agenda visiting these three countries. Is it possible they want a mtg
for confirmation before a possibility of Gazprom purchasing Sintez Namibia??? We need Sintez to
get on with the 2009 work on 1711, or sell to someone with deep pockets who can.