No surprise...ORV has extended the offer, however I am surprised they did not raise the offer price. Given the pending arbitration, I don't think there will be much interest from parties that are not already involved which is probably the reason ORV has decided to leave this status quo for the time being. Just think if KNB management hadn't hastily entered into the agreement with GER just to fend off ORV's offer KNB shareholders would most likely be looking at 0.75+ at this point and possibly some other auction participants. What a sad exhibition of management if you are a shareholder of KNB, however if you are an ORV shareholder you will likely witness ORV acquire this project at a discount to what they may have had to pay due to accumulation which will no doubt occur in the next 19 days. Printed some KNB this morning and picked them back up near close....I used some funds from the trade to pick up shares in GER in light of their likely arbitration success. I am starting to wonder why deals that McEwen has been involved in tend to disappear....First an MOU for Buffalo Gold to develop Furtei vanishes (which eventually led to the demise of the company!), now GER....We will see if third time is a charm...These "attempts" are what limits upside to extradordinary opportunities...which should benefit ORV in the end.