MergerI don't like it, but lets go through the figures
YNG - Shares issued 313,388,763 - price .15 - market Cap - Approximately $CAD47,000,000
MMY - Shares issued 155,640,000 - price.285 - Market Cap - Approximately $CAD46,690,000
We see that YNG has about twice the shares issued compared to MMY, but at about half the share value of MMY
So, that would make it that 2 shares of YNG equals 1 share MMY, .....and if they want to reduce the amount of shares issued to something reasonable like say 75,000,000 total ...then YNG would have to do a 8 for 1 backsplit....and MMY would a backsplit of 4 for 1.
The new company would then have only 75,000,000 shares issued
This is only an estimated summation of a feeling I am getting.....and I don't like it....because they are valuing our mill at ZERO DOLLARS....someone is stealing our company.
This is only my opinion.........Richard