RE: 2nd quarter results?They should announce the Jabil start-up before August Q2 results announcement. May start to see some pick up in demand in the third quarter (see below,
Price Summary
Theprice decline trend from the beginning of 2009 continuesin the June survey result. While the total number of pricedeclines was lower this month, their individual magnitudecaused the largest single month reduction in the UnitedStates index since the survey started in 2001.
Someof the price declines this month come from retailers whoseprices are high and, therefore, represent adjustments thatbring them more into line with the market. On the otherhand this month, other large price declines are also evidentfrom first line retailers that are already pricing competitively.
Theprice realignment that has taken place since the start ofthe year has been due both to the world economy as a whole, but notably dueto a radical change in government policy in Spain - a gapin the market that will take time to fill.
WithinSolarbuzz, there is little doubt that market growth aroundthe world will return next year and in a potentially dramaticway.
Thereason for this conclusion?
Juneis the month when Solarbuzz issues its annual DownstreamPV Market reports. This year, we have added Asia andPacific Major Markets to the existing European and UnitedStates reports.
Inthe course of this intensive research by the experiencedSolarbuzz team, this has revealed extraordinarily largeorder books for photovoltaic systems around the world. Thesedeals are being negotiated as this commentary is being written.Not all of them will happen, but most will.
Inspiteof the short term challenges while demand is catching upwith supply, the alignment between lower solar prices, positivegoverment policies and the consumers' desire to move towardclean energy has never been stronger.
Indeed,the fact that the present price track is underpinned bycost reductions emanating from manufacturing economies ofscale, demonstrates that positive government policy towardsolar is now paying off.