RE: Yes - ZENN Rejected EFL
It is misleading, hopefully not by intention, to say that ZENN rejected EFL. Basically they are competitors. So if you want to say ZENN rejected EFL, it is valid to say the other way that EFL rejected ZENN.
Looked into the spec, i cannot see how advanced on that EV from ZENN comparing with that of EFL.
I like EFL more because the strategy is different between EFL and ZENN... not much idea on ZENN, but seems they intend to produce EVs not batteries (even they own some shares of the batteries company). EFL intends more on working with other car makers, Tata for example, to provide OEMs and batteries and battery manufacturing capbabilities. So if that works well, EFL has more potentials than just making own branded EVs / PHEVs.
But most importantly, as investors, we are waiting to see EFL can prove that it is not a hype again this time. Ideally we want to see orders coming in. We want to see the EV launching in Europe turns out to be a success one. We want to see more Maya deals, instead of just a few demo cars in the science center.
Crossing fingers.