PINL:BLGFF - Post by User
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jsnfernleyon Jul 22, 2009 11:37am
Post# 16156849
QAQC Protocol
QAQC ProtocolCopied from the 8/18/2008 43-101 report filed on Sedar for the Bear Lake project. If "VG" means Visible Gold then there were special procedures in place including metallic screening in order to ensure accuracy for the higher grade drill core. Three people saw the assay certificates, although from the report and an example given in the report this cert. was just a sample number and result, no length of core etc., although they were probabaly using standard lengths when sawing and setting up sample bags.
The company's press release was about as clear as mud as to where exactly the problem occurred--were the samples salted? Was the problem in the reporting of the intercept length and grades that varied from the assay certificates? It's difficult to believe that anyone thought that they could have gotten away with overstating the grades when an independent firm was going to audit their database and/or completely reconstruct the resources in their own, but I guess the recent Southwestern debacle proves that people still believe they can get away with it.
Thomas Larsen was the only insider to sell in 2008-09. A number on insiders have purchased at market prices in 2008-09 in addition to their warrants and options.
2007 Sample Receiving, Preparation and Assaying Protocols for Laboratoire Expert –
Larder Lake Project Samples
Sample Delivery and Receipt Protocols
? Samples will be delivered to Laboratoire Expert in batches with batch sacks labelled as "Regular Batch 1(2, 3, 4, etc..)" or "Special VG Batch 1 (2, 3, 4, etc…)"
? A sample shipment form detailing batch numbers as well as individual sample numbers in each batchwill accompany each delivery to the lab
? Regular sample batches will contain 15 samples to follow protocols for the regular processing and fireassaying of samples
? Special VG sample batches will contain 3 samples to follow protocols for the special processing andmetallic screen assaying of samples
Protocols for Sample Preparation and Assaying Regular Sample Batches of 15
? Sort samples according to sample sequence number
? Dry samples
? Process all samples through sample preparation according to sequence of sample numbers
? Crush entire sample to 90% minus 10 mesh
? Riffle split 250 gram splits
? For one sample selected at random prepare a 2nd 250 gram split from the crushed sample and identifythis sample with a CD suffix attached to the original sample number
? Pulverize 16 samples from each batch of 15 (15+1 duplicate crush split) to 90% minus 200 mesh
? Weight 50 g fire assay charges from each of 16 sample pulps
? For one sample selected at random prepare a 2nd 50 g fire assay charge from the pulp and identify thissample with a PD suffix attached to the original sample number
? Prepare 1 - 50 g fire assay charge from one of the three reference standards supplied by NFX(alternating standard type provided each batch)
? From the original 15 samples provided a total of 18 assays will be produced not including those addedby Expert for internal QAQC
? Laboratory inserts 4 internal quality control samples (analytical blank, 1 certified reference standard and2 pulp sample duplicates)
? Complete initial AAS determinations on fused samples
? Re-assay original sample pulp for all samples reporting greater than 2,000 ppb Au using gravimetricdetermination methods
? Re-assay original sample rejects for all samples reporting greater than 10,000 ppb Au using gravimetricdetermination methods
Protocols for Sample Preparation and Assaying Special VG Sample Batches of 6
? Sort samples according to sample sequence number
? Dry samples
? Process all samples through sample preparation according to sequence of sample numbers
? Crush entire sample to 90% minus 10 mesh
? Pulverize entire samples to 90% -200 mesh
? Screen pulps for +100 mesh fraction
? Prepare 6 +100 mesh fraction 50 g fire assay charges
? Prepare 2 - 50 g fire assay charges from -100 mesh fractions for each of 6 screened pulps (i.e. 2x6=12total)
? Prepare 2 - 50 g fire assay charges from two of the three reference standards supplied by NFX (usingdifferent standard type for each)
? From the original 6 samples provided a total of 20 assays will be produced not including those added byExpert for internal QAQC
? Laboratory inserts 2 internal quality control samples (analytical blank, 1 certified reference standards)TOTAL 22 SAMPLES FOR 50g FUSION
? Complete final determinations using gravimetric methods for all metallic screen product assays
Reporting of Assay Results:
-Please report assay results only to Bernard Boily of Maximus Ventures
-Please forward original hardcopy to assay certificates and invoices to Bernard Boily -
Maximus Ventures
-Please forward digital assay certificates (Excel spreadsheet format) via e-mail to the following
persons ONLY:
Bernard Boily (
François Viens (
Kathia Caron (kcaron@maximusventures