Glentel has one of the largest tower networkClick on towers in this link. it states that Glentel has one of the largest tower network in Canada over 150 and their strategic location is listed. It also has over 250 repeater frequencies
to install one tower one needs
1. Metal structure called tower 200-400 feet high roughly $100,000
2. land roughly $100,000
3. Buliding roughly $50,000
4. Installation roughly $50,000
3. Aviation clearance $2500
4. Industry Canada clearance $1000
5.local muncipal authorities clearance $2000
6. neighbor's clearance $2000
7.frequency /Spectrum license $50,000
8. access route to highest point (line of sight transmission) $20,000
9.electrical clearance $5000
10. Equipment and power output clearance (effective radiated power) $15,000
11. Uninterupted power supply $3000
12. Skilled manpower (varies)
13. monitoring and billing center (varies)
14. vehicle ready to service facility 24x7x365 $35,000
It costs between 450,000 to 600,000 dollars per site to get it operational.
Therefore new companies it will cost millions to billion dollar and 4-5 years to get network running
Glentel is sitting on gold mine but business center management is incompetent to turn real assets (150 towers x 600,000) worth over 80 million dollars in to cash in shareholders jeans. It has mobile satellite, trunking, vsat hub network that is not counted nor are the 265 reail stores at 400,000-$500,000 each market value are not counted guys. Need big time house cleaning in business centers.