RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: WeirdThey still need more contracts and cash flow to deal with their debt situation.
Go to their website and read the fianacial report from may 15, 2009
All the info is in there including the military contract set backs that should work themselves out. If they are lucky and continue to mount new contracts going forward, they might pull out of the woods. Of course, they could become insolvent. For me it is a $5000 risk in my portfolios i'm willing to take. It could double, or go to nothing.
Here is the link below. The debt is very large but new contracts coming in are building confidence in the note holders that they may get their money after all. It's a huge gamble but most of the Researc and developement $$$ are spend.
Now they are moving to production with those new contracts. The military contracts, if trial is successful, would be a humongous win for these broke little buggers. cut and paste to your browser.