GREY:GLNIF - Post by User
Post by
Robert40on Aug 12, 2009 2:56pm
Post# 16213016
Telus and BCE merging-effect on Glentel
Telus and BCE merging-effect on Glentel
If Telus and BCE merge it will surely affect Glentel Retail. Skidmore's and Telus do not mix. BCE bought 750 retail shops recently and those will stop selling Rogers products from January 1,2010. Now merged Telus and BCE will be really big force and will try to sway Glentel away from Rogers. Rogers does not want to loose Glentels 270 outlets carrying their product. This will be a major blow (750+270= 1020 retail outlets). If Rogers buys GLN's retail outlets it can save their destribution network or BCE/TELUS could buy their national network and further dent Rogers. Glentel will start selling "Pre" model phones for BCE shortly. How this thing will settle affects GLN's retail performance materially.