RE: I thought it strange as well to have news not mentioned a day before.
By the way I do not agree with the criticism of the arm chair ( CEO's ) generals. I am not happy but this is a small cap it is not GM, FORD, BAC or many of the other firms that have problems. At this point for Sirit to be almost cash flow neutral makes me think of buying more even tough I have x3 above my maximum planned. this is not the only small cap I hold and they are all about "SHOW ME THE MONEY". Unfortunately times are tough and if you are not happy you might sell part of a position. I advocate a open discussion and I like to hear every one especially those that don't think like me.
I told management, at the last AGM that they have to focus on sales. sale and more sales and wolf is pounding the pavement. Hopefully there will be recognition of the quality of the product and budgets to buy. We do not sell food, and we do not have direct control of the most sales.
Good luck