RE: Nickel Millright (sorry Millright)Mr. Nickel - more cutting and pasting eh? I am not going to waste any one's time on here anymore going back and forth with you, or be sucked any more into your psychosis. If anyone had any questions as to whether you're sane or not, they've been answered now, in spades.
The only thing I don't understand is your comment about "it seems you boys spend much more time over here than your own". I didn't know that I had my own forum, or site. I post on several different forums within Stockhouse, as do many investors. Is this forum yours? If so, I can see why you have so many posts you disagree wtih deleted, and so many posters you despise suspended. I guess if this forum is yours to control, then you have the right to suppress negative commentary, and the right to suspend posters who don't toe the party line of "all is well", or make you look foolish (not very hard, I can tell you). I get it now, this is your forum, and therefore you decide what is posted, and what isn't. That makes sense, given how diligent you've been in your suppression and censorship activities. Good luck all - this is Nickel's forum, not yours, so don't expect to be heard, especially if you aren't part of the group that continues to post continous reams about "questions not being answered" and "43-101 delays" and "non economically extractable ore" and my personal favorite "all the mining companies have software that allows them to plot ISM's drill results so they know that ISM has nothing". Oh man I can't tell you the laughter that delusional gibberish you post time and time again has caused.
So once again - I apologize to all those who are more than fed up with the ISM chatter on your forum, whoops - I mean Nickel77's forum. If this post survives deletion after he and his censors have reviewed and mulled it over, I promise I am pretty much done on this topic. There is no point in continuing this useless back and forth, other than to generate more laughs for me, and to enable someone who is very very mentally ill.