RE: A coup'd'tat or GOM/Russian endaround?I am sitting here and scratching my head over how quickly this Board is given to panic over some articles that appeared some where.Facts are Mongolia can't just do what ever they want,they are bound by international agreements and friendship ties.They get a lot of foreign aid from various country's including USA and Canada.
At this time we have plenty western players over there including Arewa and Comeco and untold smaller ones;A move like suggested by SS would end up in international courts and would break many ties with western country's.I am sure is not in Mongolias interest.They can't be that stupid.
Recently we had a similar incedent in Kasisthan with UUU and some other western Companies as you all must have followed.In the end all went well with Kasisthan saying they are sorry about the misunderstanding.Share price went back up and the Panic calmed down.We really don't know nothing at this point,yes it looks not so good but they do have Laws and Mining act and they can't just do as they please.There might be internal resistence from opposite politicans also;So I would just say to wait until real News comes out and we will see how Quick and his Crew deals with it.We might get some of Canada's political power involved and maybe go to Court. Panic at this time will only result in big sell off and hurt every body.
Our Market cap is around Cash value so our risk is not so great as having no Money in the Bank.And than there is the possible pay out by the Russians to save their face,for 55 million they would walk away and leave us with a Dollar a share plus what we have in the kitty.I would be happy.
Paying us off might save them a lot of Headache in Court and they might opt that way.Sorry to see SS panic after all this Years it is under standeble .3 Years of frustation.I am all invested in Canada,Australia,Mexico and US.Heavy in RES and Precious Metals.This is my last politicaly stupid Country stock in my portofolio.But I am willing to bet that they just can't take it away from us.Somebody will look for our rights even in Mongolia.So,I hope that this the Sky is falling mood will see some hope too.Lets wait and see a little longer.Maybe this will all settle out and we end up being cut into the Deal.We have things to bring to the Table also ,including Mining exploration experience and possible financing.The Russians at this Time are pretty broke and we all know about Mongolia.
So please don't panic.Worst think to do in the Stock Market.
It is about time for Wiener to show up again here and give us his two bids.
Cheers and keep the faith.