RE: #2 Mkuvia Deposit Model Coastal Sand DepositIn response to Re: Mkuvia Deposit Model? - Coastal Sand -Aussie style by AU_NB posted on Jul 15, 09 03:20PM I talked with Laurie on the phone and we have exchanged emails. We did not get into the current JORC report specifics. I think that it is very useful for applying for the mining licenses and money well spent. Samples were taken for each unique geological horizon in the pits. McMasters' cross-sections will provide a tantalizing first glimpse at the "Sands of Mkuvia" and their internal structure and grade. Laurie's comments seemed to indicate the preliminary view is to "take it all"... within the sampled area, why not, the average grade is economic, seems a no brainer...?. This is the mind-set of many new placer operators. I like a little more data before any head-long plunge into washing/mining sand. McMasters' cross-sections will be useful early on and surely will guide the initial excavation. I urge they devise a mining plan that includes testing ground ahead of the mining effort to stay in the "pay". Once that scheme is woven into the mine plan, then is the time for a head-long plunge into washing/mining sand. Laurie said they were putting the finishing touches on the NI 43-101 technical report and he would be including this paper as a reference. I think they have a pretty good idea that coastal sand deposits can cover a lot of real estate and this paper adds credence to that idea. I know we will see this NI 43-101 report released soon. It will be nice to see all of the information about this discovery in one document, vetted closely by BCSC. The current NR about the JV only serves to pave the way for the NI 43-101 and is a quantum leap for DLKM credibility, IMO. The land holding is clear now and the terms of the JV restated. This is all good IMO. Thanks AU_NB Not investment advice