SEPTEMBER IS THE MONTHCan anyone else feel the PRX earth moving underneath us? Sure seems like it to me.
The 12-month follow up will provide direction for PRX. If continuing positive on outcomes and continuing absence of side effects, we’ll see a pleasant and maybe even a substantial bump.
The Phase 2 Triumph study should complete its enrollment with results pending in Q4; and announcement of the completion of the enrollment, coupled with the 12-month follow up could give another bump.
Licensing deals are just around the corner if all is positive; on the other hand, the big boys could be circling for a buyout based upon BPH near term commercialization AND (I suspect) partial positive result on prostate cancer and brain cancer. Cancer is the hot topic in the biotech world. Valuations of a small Canadian company will be substantially less that in the USA, so there may be a first mover advantage to a company that can put together a cash or cash + Stock package in the $3 to $5 range.
How do others feel?
Lets get the discussion going!
Thx, jb