RE: Chared-iq-kantMaybe but I am sure you got to the "family" part :-)
So you genius, just as I suspected, can't answer the questions, and they are very simple questions. You seem to think investors would find it really boring to know why EFL can't win profitable contracts?! I guess that's what geniuses think eh?
Your answer confirms why EFL is not DOING it.
I have my own diagnosis- multiple personality disorder.
Here is a "who am i" riddle.
"We are a cell phone battery maker!
No wait, we make batteries for airplanes;
Did we say that?! No we make batteries for submersibles.
Submersibles you say, nah we really make batteries for Mayas
Mayas catch on fire? Not us, we make batteries for tablets! You are confused!
What, tablets started smoking in hospitals?! Thank god we are now in the plug in hybrid business...
No one buying our hybrids? So what- we make electric lawn mowers...
What mowers? We make cars now.
What cars did you say? Well they are really juiced up golfcarts but hey they have windows !
We work 24/7 all out. Wait, you thought it meant 24 days ..7 days a week? You silly man, we meant 7 hours each of 24 working days.... Super polywhat? Nah Super is just a word that's there....."