Hurry Up & Wait... Au contraire boys....I always thought there was something wrong with trying to raise money through a share issue while there was a halt on trading such shares. Basic securities law. They have now remedied this problem and don't forget they can always go back to the market after the halt is lifted.
There may be a bit of Catch 22 going on with respect to trying to raise enough money to complete the assays but I would expect that if so, they are working this through to make it happen through alternate conventional financing methods.
It is however, more likely that they are just awaiting the assay results, and I am still a big believer that the results are going to be massive this time and should be out very, very soon. I think they were halted on preliminary evidence that shows phenomenal results and given what has gone on with the gyrations at the end of June the Exchange and the ASC decided that it was best to wait to absolutely confirm the findings in order to ensure we didn't have another Bre-X debacle. The assays really could be THAT STRONG and without getting in to the specifics in too much detail I simply refer to the results from 5a.
The authorities may have also asked for more specifics regarding the extent and grade of the find and that may have required (or is requiring) further drilling to establish this. As noted by other posters, they should be there by now or very close to it. This is most likely what is causing the delay, because once they reach the ultimate drilling depth then the authorities may be requiring further asssay analysis and if so add another 2 to 3 weeks before we get final results.
If they prove such massive results below the limestone cap, there are going to be a lot of very wealthy people who are holding this stock right now, especially because in my opinion it may not be just a simple silver strike, but indeed they may have found a major gold strike. I keep referring to this, but with the exception of Liberty, and the hint given by Matt, it seems that most everyone else on this board either is overlooking this possibility, simply aren't thinking gold, or have their heads stuck in the sand. (I apologize in advance if I have miscontrued or simply missed anyone's point of view here.)
It is true that the reverse could be true and we are sitting on a pile of limestone capped crap, and the ASC and Exhange have halted trading in order to prevent last second speculation like last time. I think that this is highly unlikely, because if true, we should have known by now because I believe it is a lot easier and takes much less time to interpret the lack of metals in an assay than showing accurate counts if it is there. Please correct me if I am wrong on this point. Otherwise one could make the argument that the ASC and the Exchange are absolutely incompetent, and I simply don't believe that is the case.
Unless I am missing something completely here, I think we are sitting on a mountain of results, the motherlode of Silver Valley or the Big Enchilada, call it what you will. Remain positive, if there is any justice in this world your patience should be rewarded with such confirmation soon enough. In any event all we can do is hurry up and wait.