RE: What part of Liberty's post didn't I understanGuid:
Clearly not when it is a matter of opinion, but in this case Liberty simply indicated that the ASC is completely finished with it's review and the matter is in the hands of the Exchange. This is simple factual information. I am asking you what part of that do you not understand? Your azz is grass on this one and a little burnt if I do say so, period.
Many of Liberty's posts have on the contrary been very factual, indeed more factual than just about anything else I have read on this board., and certainly more factual than anything I have seen you post on this board. It appears you are indulging in some sort of weird attack without purpose from what I can see because you have some weird grudge against Liberty. Either that, or you are a simple basher that is hoping to pick up cheap shares on the resumption of trading and according to my theory which I have outlined a few times on this board, secretly believe in the value of this play. Let the jury of our peers decide on this, but I am willing to bet the vast majority see through you chicanery and nonsense.
Finally I must point out that your theory about admission to the so called "Azteca Group" if true, must have additional requirments because I have not been asked to join, and I have been a consistent believer of what Liberty has been saying since I first started reading his posts. Reason always triumphs over emotion.