RE: news :)))$0Great results, share price should be on rise tomorrow.$0$0$0$0$0Copper and silver grades are 2.5 times better than elsewhere. (negative cash cost for moly)$0$0The combined Mo, Cu, Ag grade is better than e.g. Mercator Mineral's reserve grade.$0$0The material was formerly considered as waste. Strip ratio will be reduced.$0$0They could hedge the copper to obtain larger debt financing when starting construction.$0$0$0$0$0It's very encouraging, this reduces moly price risk as the mining can switch between copper rich and moly rich zones. And the intervall was huge as always.$0$0$0$0$0$0I didn't notice any image in the news release although there was supposed to be one. It remains to be seen how open for expansion this part of mineralization happens to be.$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0