Tata to Build Electric Car Assembly Facility in EuU.K., Spain, Norway...so many choices? It must be not only on track, but on a fast track... :-)
MADRID -- Indian automaker Tata Motorswill set up an assembly facility for electric vehicles in the U.K.,Spain or Norway, Clive Hickman, the Chief Executive of Tata MotorsEuropean Technical Centre said Tuesday.
The facility to be operational by year-end is initially planned for a capacity to assemble 5,000 electric cars.
"Wedon't need to build a full plant, because the vehicle will come withthe body, the wheels, all of the interior trim (from India)," Mr.Hickman said. "All we have to do, is to install the electric motor, andthe battery pack."
Hickman spoke to Dow JonesNewswires at the sidelines of the ceremony for the announcement of anelectric car pilot project sponsored by the Spanish government. It aimsat bringing 2,000 electric cars on Spanish roads by the end of 2010,and to set up 546 electricity charging points for vehicles in Madrid,Barcelona and Seville.
Mr. Hickman didn't saywhat the planned investment for the electric vehicle facility is. Theplant will assemble electric versions of Tata's Indica Vista passengercar, and its ACE light commercial vehicle.
TataMotors will use lithium ion batteries produced by its Norwegian Miljounit for the electric vehicle assembly plant, and electric motors fromCanadian company TM4.