RE: Insider BuyingLet's see - the insiders are filling their boots, there's cash in the till, there's<i>quality</i> properties galore, there's cash flow from contracts to keep the mining expertise inhouse pending future operations, there's a pending 43-101 report on their Argentina silver property.....<p>SO...I guess a guy should go buy some TV-flogged 100,000,000 share galumpus from which the insiders and bankers are leaping - NOT! Do some DD, lurkers, and check this one out. Remember, predecessor Apex was a great company, but the hedging program demanded by their bankers blew them up when prices rose sharply.<p>There was a surprising amount of trading today both here and in GDMN. If the metals open strongly Monday, I'd expect Golden to continue to climb. Personally, I cannot find a more undervalued stock so am double-weighted in my portfolio.<p>What a shameless tout, eh?