RE: RE: RE: RE: Why not through us a bone here?An interesting variation on my theme in my original Hurry Up and Wait post of 9/3/2009 7:07:12 AM | | 159 reads | Post #27420973.
You may just have something here MAKEITBACK regarding the possibility of threatened lawsuits and your follow up analysis appears spot on, at lest on initial review. I certainly don't disagree that lawyers often foster premature or spurious claims or claims that are extremely dubious, I say so because I used to be one of them, but I am not practising anymore so please everyone, I like to think of myself as one of the good ones...
Although your theory is possible, and could be reconciled with mine, I still believe that the real reason for the halt is that the company had to get the obligatory review of their news release and the results contained within were so good the ASC and the Exchange decided to halt trading in order to ensure the results are real and/or to get the results proved up in terms of depth etc. This is the only thing that really explains the delay unless I am completely out to lunch. I have been accussed of that in the past and once in a blue moon it is true. I do nevertheless prefer to think this way rather than the negative because life is altogether too brutish, nasty and above all short.