How do you slice it?Hottiebabe:
I don't think you have it quite right. I believe they intimated that they would be issuing a NR regarding assay results once the trading halt was lifted. When and (admittedly) if that happens is anyone's guess but the intimation was that it would be right around the time of the resumption of trading. Unfortunately for a a lot of posters here, the hope and prayer was that it would be this morning before trading or shortly thereafter. I do agree however, that we may have been getting a bit ahead of ourselves.
I suspect that they are letting the SP stabilize and then will announce another PP, and then concurrent with that, or shortly before it or shortly thereafter they will release the assay results. The release of such results can be contrued as material to the value of the SP, and therefore should be realeased as soon as practically possible, so my bet is that they will release the assay results and then almost immediately announce the PP. The Company will always have a little bit of wiggle room here, but practically speaking I would expect some news either today or certainly by end of week at latest. My question to all the naysayers out there is what percentage is there in it for the Company to "string us along for weeks to come" ? Frankly I don't see much if any.
Given what has gone on here my expectation for good results is still there although in all honesty it perhaps has slipped back just a touch. One has to keep in mind that the play is highly speculative (excepting the already established results of Hole 5b) and that means everything else could be a boom or a bust. Nevertheless, we are still in hurry up and wait mode no matter how you slice it.