RE: RE: RE: RE: Gold production?HAHA. Thats an interesting slant to the story. Retiring, you are way off, and you can inbox me if you want details. Facts are the stock is 17 cents, and Id wager a bet, that by the time news comes we are going to be 15 cents, surprise, surprise. Financing, the dilution will be terrible for long term holders. . Sure, why wasn't a financing done at 25 or 30 cents when the stock was trading at those prices. A small financing... hmm... don't agree with that one retiring, theres more to the story. Anyways, Ill consider this one a writeoff, and I wont be buying any more shares from this group, no matter what else comes. Too much promise, too many good assets, and now 17 cents. Im not at a loss for words, just the way things are. Its really that simple.