RE: Melkior is highly encouraged about the resultsMy guess on the market snoring through these results is in comparison to the 68b hole of West Timmons.
Casey Research interviewed Darin Wagner of WTM in August. See if this puts things into perspective (without copyright violation)--68b was one of the top ten holes in Canadian exploration in the past 50 years. Just like in baseball or any other sport, records can stand for some time, and few remember the runner ups.
Now the good news, sort of.
Neither the Rusk or Porphyry have surface outcrop. They are two different types of rock and, more importantly, mineralizing events. But this is really what the whole Timmons camp was like anyway. There was a massive, long lived mineralizing system that literally pumped out large deposits and different lithogies (rock types). There will be more than one style of trap that captured the gold. They just have to be found.
MKR found one, it appears to be characterized by high grade shoots. Proving up length and depth (tonnage and economic grade) will be the key to the market accepting MKR's Carscallen as real.
Like so many smaller Canadian companies that picked up strategically placed properties (whether or not they knew it at the time), MKR needs time, money, and brains to develop. Let's hope they have the chance to do so before one of their well cashed up neighbors tries to devour them. Cheaply.