RE: RE: Another Point of View I can only say the proof will be in the pudding regarding Matt & Co's theories. If things come to pass and a major find is made in accordance with his theories then it will be fairly simple for me to go back through your posts, quote them and make you out to look like a moron. Nevertheless, we all know hindsight is 20/20, but mining is a foward looking game. If you are wise you will keep that at the forefront of your mind. Please note that I have consistently left the door open for the possibility of bad results regarding this play, something which bashers fail to do in the reverse. Perhaps I neglected to do so specifically in the part of the post you quoted but in fairness it is an underlying theme in virtually everthing I do post Surely you don't seriously dispute this?
I do stand behind the fact that the amount of negativity on this board is unjustified given that no one has proof as to whether Matt & Co.'s theories are valid or not. Many may not like what I have to say here but it does not take anything away from the validity of what I am saying in that almost everyone seems to be an expert, many have joined the "laughinstock band" simply because it seems easiest to do so, it is in vogue, they have been misinformed, or they have been persuaded to do so by bahers and I have merely been urging caution about jumping in on that que. It takes strength of character to resist this kind of floodtide, something which most people in general do not have. This is not elistist it is simply a sad fact of human nature.
I remember that there were literally hundreds if not thousands of studies back in my psychology classes in undergraduate showing how weak minded people can be, always wanting to side with the majority. I have simply been espousing another point of view, something that you, apparently as a jackbooted patroller are not prepared to allow. You see Raptor, two can play the personal insult and attack game, it is pretty easy to do so, but I leave it to the readers on this board to figure out who has been somewhat balanced in their view and who has not. And no, I do not really think you are a jackbooted patroller even if you seem to show zero tolerance for viewpoints other than you own. I can accept the fact that you show negativity in your postings, I am simply pointing out that you should leave a small crack of the door open that you may be completely wrong. I am not sure if you have the intestinal fortitude to do that. Do you?
Whether I am rated a zillion or zero I don't quite frankly give a flying f..., there are way too many morons and idiots on this board who consistently rate good posts (other than mine) whether I personally agree with them OR NOT, with low scores because they don't happen to agree with the poster's ideology. Therefore, at the end of the day who really cares about ratings? They are quite frankly a running joke, mainly I posit because of people who do not show balance when rating, fullstop. i.e. Don't tell me that my postings have not been clear yet I consistently receive low ratings for clarity. If this doesn't make the point that people don't rate fairly on this board then nothing will. This is something that belies the fact that people simply bash to bash and there is a gaping hole left for critical thought. When I see someone who takes the time to write an insightful, meaningful, albeit sometimes controversial or challenging post, I take the time to try and give them credit for it. I do not always fully agree with their point of view, but I do try to encourage alternative thinking and I simply won't stand for someone like you who simply wants to squash that or my encouragment of that.
I might also add that I would like to personally thank you for the compliment suggesting that my post of July 5th had an effect on the closing price of .49 cents, or at the very least that is what it appearred to suggest to me. I never knew I had that much power. No matter, we all make mistakes here and there and I am one of the few who admit it freely. It seems that this is one major difference between us Raptor, I am big enough to say so and admit that I was wrong about the SP rebounding at least in the medium term, how about you? Highly doubtful, if at all possible me thinks.