RE: RE: 1066UK, we bin buddies for 2 dazeWell nothing personal either but I have the Balls as you say. I have been invested in Olympus for awhile, this is my take on their fundamentals. It seems they have had a break even quarter as BeeDope explained and that they potentially could be profitable to shareholder as early as their nex qaurter. None of this information is classified to the public and it is all clearly found within their fianancials. If you can understand a company financials then you will have no problem seeing it in black and white. Of course their is always risk but this is becoming more of an investment then a specualtion. That I find encouraging should they do so, as it could return good revenue. Capacapo could very well and in my opinion is a smart move at this time to be put on hold. The capital expence alone to expand and develop the Capcapo project could potentially stagger them at this time. I agree with any purdence to take a cautious outlook with the political unrest at this time. If it is resolved to satisfaction, which it very likely could be as a capital infusion into the local economy is usually welcomed. I feel the warrant of aproval from the local community will just be a matter of time and patience. When they see what Olympus has done for the way of advance in the Vietnamise community, they may welcome them with open arms. That is the risk involved.
If they don't go this way then we still have potential profitability and expansion within Vietnam, which apears to be positive. Good luck all.