RE: I am not VERY frustrated
Glad you had money to buy more at bottom.
I didn't.
Now they've exited a legitimately liquid company - BTO - and put the proceeds into YET ANOTHER illiquid vehicle trading less than $50k worth of stock per day.
Meanwhile, management issued itself MILLIONS of options at something like $.12
Bharti is a shady character (at best) - and the more I research our "investments" the more I see incestuous relationships all over the place...
Hopefully I'm wrong, but I don't like what appears to be going on here - not in the SLIGHTEST...
I don't have any cash to buy any more AAB - and even if I did, I'm not so sure I'd add more now. I'd rather they monetize the royalty - I don't care WHAT they get for it - and either buy back more stocks or ISSUE ME A DIVIDEND.
I'm sick of waiting for them. Transparency is lacking and so is publicity.
I'd vote my few 100k shares to LIQUIDATE.
Would at the very least get $.50 a share... This discount to NAV is a JOKE - as is our management.