Making headway on productiveactivities by way of the water bill in the Assembly. This is exactly what we expect to hear.
Government bill of Water is not privatizing
Source: Presidency of the Republic
Wednesday, October 07, 2009 10:13
Quito (Pichincha).- The National Secretary of the Water, Jorge Sworn, expressed that the Water Resources constitutional law project Uses and Aprovechamientos of the Water, presented by the National Secretary of the Water (SENAGUA) cannot be considered as privatizing, since this legal body, is supported in the Constitution of the Republic that explicitly prohíbe the privatization of the water.
Far from the accusations to impede the access to the water for common or rural irrigation, in charge of the common, cooperative, union organizations, associations of producers and to the users legally constituted, foresees the organization of these groups to guarantee its existence and efficient management. "A thing is to negotiate inside the hydrographic demarcation and another thing is to administer the resource in the irrigation system level, that is what handle the meetings of irrigation, that we are going to remove them under no concept", assured the Secretary of the Water.
The State, through the unique authority of the water, will be the responsible for assuring water for all and all, in order to finish with the anarchy with the one that the resource has been handled. "Here they have taken the water who have the sufficient powers, while the native sectors and peasants many times have had that to exercise forms of direct pressure to agree to the water and this theme should finish, we should have a regulation, a human right to the water and a right to the development of the country", emphasized the Secretary of the Water.
The government bill is completely clear upon mentioning the order of prelación of the uses of the water, prioritizing to the human consumption as the Constitution of the Republic orders it; followed by the needs of water for irrigation, water hole of animals and acuacultura to assure the eating sovereignty of the Ecuadorians; in third place the ecological volume.
Alone, once satisfied the main needs of the three types of prelación mentioned proceeds to offer authorizations for productive activities (irrigation agroindustria, generation hidroelectricidad, mining and petroleum industrialists) and finally activities recreacionales and cultural. It fits to mention that this order will be able to be modified under no base.
On the other hand, the mining project to obey interests is accused and it is considered extractivista, before which, the Secretary of state, said that you said arguments are not supported in valid bases, save in the speeches of certain actors that have misinterpreted the project.
Likewise, it clarifies that the legislation will offer permissions of uses and aprovechamientos, more not concessions, the competence of a law is to permit and to distribute the water of fair form, not to prohibit or to impede the generation and the development of other activities, like the mining industry.
The government bill will guarantee that the water arrive at all the Ecuadorians in a fair way and corresponds to the needs of all the Ecuadorians, collected in more than 50 workshops carried out to national level, in which they participated near 2,500 social actors, who they exhibited their observations along the editing of the seven versions of the project.