Turning around???????I was watching the list of sellers on Stockwatch and the last 10 or so trades were all Nesbitt and for about 20,000 shares and all at $4.05. Looks like a market order. The real time quote is now b 4.10 and A 4.12.
My take is that someone at Nesbitt has been selling a lot of shares which was probably helping the price drop. I guess they got near the end of their selling and just finished off at market. Now the bid and ask are up. Maybe they are done selling and we can start to move up again.
Any ideas? Lots of support at $4.00.
P.S. Donethat.... that was a poor atempt at bashing to get cheap shares. I think you've seen the bottom and better get in now. Maybe we will see a run up coming into the release of the financials which we all no will be good.