GREY:ARHTQ - Post by User
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kaosblueson Oct 10, 2009 6:40pm
Post# 16380051
RE: comment
RE: commentGoldtoe:
Right on with this post Goldtoe. I agree with almost all of what you have to say and I agree many will disagree with you but I am not one of them, gold is probably going to hit 2000 sometime in 2010.
I am certainly not in Kevin O'Leary's camp suggesting it is simply "Moonrock", and he certainly isn't looking very swift regarding his view about gold during the past two years. By the way, has anyone heard a peep out of him once gold hit over $1000, I doubt it....and how convenient. As far as gold is concerned and his intrepretation of the way the finacial world works in relation to it, he know diddly squat. Or is perhaps part of that whole group who are continually trying to dump on gold and to some extent have been proven to take extraordinary positions to keep the value down over the past 40 years or so. It's really gratifying to see that it has finally gained the upper hand and many of them are crying the blues because of it. The amount of mis-manipulation has been outrageous over the years regarding this metal and I for one am very happy to see the goldbugs and the "real: market have their day.
The significance of Barrick dropping their gold hedging program is that in the long term they also believe it is going to save them millions upon millions of dollars and most importantly belies their belief that gold is on the rise at least over the next few years at least.
And for those with much longer term views, don't be at all surprised if a barrel of oil costs $500 in ten years time and perhaps even as high as $1000 or even more in 20 years time. (In today's values of course) Many will laugh but they laughed at Sheik Yamani when he said that oil would hit 75 per barrel by around the beginning of the millienium, he was admittedly off a bit in his timing, but the validity of the estimate is plain to see now. Many laughed their heads off when Smilin' Jack Gallagher first posed the theory that their might be huge tracts of oil & gas in the Beaufort Sea back in the 40's and 50's. Yeah, who was off their rockers on that one? The important thing to note is that there will always be upward pressure on the price of oil because we are finding less of it and we are so dependent on it, not to mention the increasing demand for it from emerging markets like India and China. Until these factors change watch the price of it go up the Peak Oil chart !
I think we should also be preparing for the Amero dollar, not much doubt about it in my mind contrary to all the naysayers and pooh pooers who are on record for saying it will never happen. I remind you all they said the same thing about the Euro in the 70's. I'm willing to bet they are the same old paid off cronies who dumped all over the predictions of a giant super highway running up from Mexicao to Canada. They look pretty damn stupid with the latest revelations of such a highway being built as we speak.
If you take anything away from all of this remember that the "market" can be controlled and when the government tries to persuade us of certain things they are often out to completely mislead. Take a serious look at what the US has said regarding foreign policy over the past 50 years and then what they have can do this in a number of areas and the amount of planned deceit is absolutely staggering. More staggering perhaps is how many lumpendeadshits out there that don't have a clue, suck it all down like a cold beer on a hot afternoon, and then confidently claim that anyone who holds a contrary opinion is out to lunch or even worse use that hot button description of calling one a conspracy theorist, simply because you don't happen to believe in the obvious propaganda spewing forth through the mainstream media. What a joke they are the ones who are the conspiracy theorists for regurgitating a lot of lies and misinformation without doing their homework. I certainly don't know everything except to say I don't trust the mainstream media, the government or many of the large corporates extant today and if you do all the time, you are truly naive, gullible and superficial in your outlook.