nitroblower....ahhh, so shoot me;) biochem, biotech...whatever...sometimes I type so slow, my mind gets bored and wanders (+ might have been thinking about my degree, and not the company). Im definately not here to learn spelling and grammer and could care less about it in this context.
Yes, I was bullish, but the markets are dynamic, and often change direction on you. I bought on the upswing, and thought it had more potential, but seems hyped out now. When the price started dropping and there was little support, I sold. You think actually making money is bad???
If I buy today, I essentially would make .40 if the stock sees $1.10+++ I guess to people as rich as you guys, .40 is nothing hey (especially on a .70 stock).
Maybe you guys are too young (spoiled by 500%+ gains in some stocks this last decade), but a 50%+ gain is pretty damn good.
Im not a basher, I am not full of BS. I sold between $1.10 and $1.20, and told the truth there....honesty is GOOD.
As for $800 million vs. 1 billion.... BIG deal, its a lot easier and faster to type, + I did say 'upto' 1 billion.
Also, I dont come here to do my research, I come here to see whats hype. If you havent noticed in todays markets, they are 90% hype, and 10% (or less) value. For short term spec and gains, hype wins every time hands down, for long term solid growth (retirement funds etc), then value counts. Dont be so naive. Want a couple examples over the last year? XST... 0.27 cents to $1.90....I sold at $1.75, now its 1.30
How about WIZ....bought at .90, got out at 6.60.
ONLY AN IDIOT WOULD BUY EITHER COMPANY ON D&D. But made me a bundle on hype.