RE: History of SAElast year when it hit 1.50 the company had started up the plant. Then regulatory and production problems hit, not to mention the meltdown in all small gold exploration/production companies, which drove the stock down. Then after a ton of production problems the company basically ran out of money for working capital.
So with lack of capital, it was likely feared that the company would not survive thru this.
Fortunately or unfortunately depending upon how you look at it, the president continued to fund the company, (it really operates like a small private company even though it trades on the TSX-V).
So as a result the president, who frankly likely created the production problems, then resulting lack of capital, infuses more money in with a few of his likely close friends, at 15 cents, thus diluting out a number of folks who put capital in at 1.25 back a while ago when the stock was up. Too bad for them. I'm sure they have serious lemon taste in their mouth when they watch the president buy stock thru the last convertible debenture at 15 cents. Ouch!
So the company is now funded, good or bad, and the potential is now there to generate some serious cashflow prob in the order of 50-60 cents per share, around double what the share price is today.
So there is LOTS of upside on this stock, provided the plant can stay running and they can continue to find more hi grade ore to process.
I'm long in it and think we can still see the days of 1.50 and higher again, especially if a guy believes in higher gold and silver prices which I do.