Contact the TSXLet the regulator know how the common stockholder feels.They said they need interested parties to bring things to there attention.Dont waste the opportunity.
1.control of the corpoartion for a nickel by Euro group
2.20,000,000 options to insiders
3.hundreds of millions of insider sweetener warrants on eve of mill restart.
Thhis not only stinks but will be the poster child for oppressive governance conduct by board and insiders.TSX needs to hear from any and all.Now a puppet management board committee in place.Vote no on everything.If you vote yes for the Enbry warrants you will give credabilty to their tactics.Have you ever held shares in a corpoartion with almost 50 percent in one set of hands. It trades like krap. No one is interested in buying a controlled copration.The stock would be a lot higher if these warrants had not been announvced. The hidden holders and insiders and their families plus the Euro group will do anything they want. Put the same dummy board in etc etc KeeeeristeThe brits and europeans have been doing this for over a century.I know.Now you know why they did not want to stay on AMEX.. They would be clobbered by the system.