A shell worth that much?A shell worth that much? At about 50 million or so outstanding shares at $0.15 each that puts the worth of the company at $7.5 million. Would you pay $7.5 million for a company that is loosing money year after year? As i've been saying for years on this and other forums, they need to turn the corner and that has not happened yet. Now they have laid good groundwork ( new patents, diversification of income streams, good debt management, etc.) but do they have what it takes to grow the company into profitability with this groundwork? That is the question.
Over the past 5 years they've grown the top line but have not been able to do that profitably. Yes they've had one or 2 or 3 quarters in a row with positive #'s but no annual positive earnings. When we see that happen for a year or 2 I'd say they've turned the corner.
Now given all that, the prospects for the company are good and there is great potential there. But as my father said to his friends about me in high school, " Yeah, he's getting by, but he's got potential!!". Well I turned out ok so I hope the best for Seprotech.