RE: The Casey EffectDon't forget Rick Rule is closely associated with Casey, so what ever Casey does could be or already has been duplicated by Rule. For those that don't know Rule, both he and his family trust and company are all powerful enough and well enough connected to move a stock around. I'm not saying this is the case here, but if Rule wanted to move NGP he could singlehandedly do it.
With respect to Nosleep's comment the otherday and me selling my stock to him, here it is. A little guy like me won't move a stock like NGP, but on a smallcap float stock with small trading volume it sure could be done. NGP has too many shares and trades a large enough volume to preclude a guy like me from having the ability to do such a thing. What has happened in NGP for me is this. I was at one time a very large shareholder and I believed in the company and had respect for management and what management was doing. That confidence and trust over the past year has been eroded to the point that I sold a large position last year as an INVESTOR, and now trade the stock as a TRADER, having lost respect for management. For me this is personal, but any time I can make a dollar I will take the opportunity and NGP in and for the short term does offer that ability. In short, for now, its all about the money and NGP, IMO, offers the ability to do just that.