RE: Denver Post article about new millRead the Post article and the 26 Comments there, good digging. This Pinion Plant will really go through the gears vis a vis the Sierra Club, no doubt. (They probably live in San Diego and work for Standard Oil there.) I am one of the boomers that had to live through the Atomic age paranoia,and I don't take my electric or wood heat for granted. I sharpen my own chainsaw, and handle each piece 4- 5 times .If I could have my own nuke plant , I would Love IT! LOL . This milestone (not Threemile) proposal @ Pinion Ridge will truly be like the first born,it will have to measure up to the regulations and all that follow will languish in its shadow i.e. a model. We need all energy sources; to ween North America out of the 20th century fossil fuel dilemma .It's hard to believe a little Canadian co. is moxie enough ,,, second time shareholder.@ much lower price.