AKA Adds GoldAKA Ventures Inc. has entered into a letter of intent pursuant to which AKA will acquire from Nexvu Capital Corp. the right to earn a 100-per-cent interest in the Rockhill Canyon property on the following terms: upon regulatory approval AKA will pay to Nexvu $10,000 and issue to Nexvu one million common shares of AKA; on the second anniversary of the date of this letter agreement AKA will make a cash payment to Nexvu of $20,000 and issue to Nexvu one million common shares of AKA; within the first year of the letter agreement AKA will spend a minimum of $350,000 (U.S.) on the property; and within the second year of the letter agreement AKA will spend a minimum of $650,000 (U.S.) on the property. The property shall be subject to a two-per-cent-NSR royalty of which 1 per cent may be purchased by AKA for $1-million and AKA will be responsible for the annual holding fee on the property. The property is located in the East Range, 24 miles southwest of Winnemucca, Nev., and consists of 31 lode claims at Rockhill Canyon. The principal target at the property is Sandy Point, where outcropping quartz stockwork veins average 1.35 parts per million (grams/tonne) gold, including a maximum value of 4.07 ppm (grams/tonne). Surrounding soil samples are anomalous in gold, arsenic, lead and zinc, with the highest gold value in soils being 1.88 ppm (grams/tonne). Gold mineralization in quartz stockwork veins is hosted by small Triassic porphyritic rhyolitic dikes and plugs, which intrude phyllite and siltstone of the lower Triassic Rochester rhyolite. The small rhyolite intrusions are believed to be the upward expression of a larger buried rhyolite porphyry stock. The intrusions and their host rocks are highly sericitically altered, moderately silicified, and possibly albitized. Adularia, oxidized pyrite and native gold have been observed in the quartz stockwork. The host rock, alteration and gold mineralization is similar to that found at Midway Gold Corp.'s Spring Valley project. The property is permitted by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management for drilling and the first round of drilling will be at Sandy Point, where four to eight core holes will be completed for a total length of about 3,000 feet.