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Decade Resources Ltd V.DEC

Alternate Symbol(s):  DECXF

Decade Resources Ltd. is a Canadian based mineral exploration company seeking opportunities in the resource sector. The Company holds numerous properties at various stages of development and exploration from basic grass roots to advanced ones. Its properties and projects are all located in the Golden Triangle area of northern British Columbia. Its projects include Grassy, Premier East, Red Cliff, Lord Nelson, Del Norte and Terrace. The Terrace project includes Terrace Gold, Kleanza, Dardanelle, Treasure Mountain and Nobody Knows. The Company owns 100% of Goat property. The Copper River Valley properties are comprised of three main claim blocks; Terrace Gold-Darranelle-Treasure Mountain group of claims located in northern British Columbia. The property consists of 52 contiguous mineral claims. The Grassy property contains approximately 830.20 hectares in two separate claims which are owned 100% by the Company. The Red Cliff project consists of approximately eight mineral claims.

TSXV:DEC - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by hotcougaron Nov 02, 2009 3:22pm
Post# 16445155

What's going on here?

What's going on here?I'm back on DEC board after many days out....What's up here?  I used to read  brilliant pointview about DEC...

So, is there somebody can explain to me, what's wrong with Decade today? What can we expect for the next weeks?  I know, nobody knows the futur,,, I'm very junior here and just want to know better...kk

Thank you very much for the one who still believe in Dec.... Otherone, don't even bother to write me....please....
Bullboard Posts