RE: We are all missing points and now are diggingI have an issue with digging up old garbage.
1. I don't disagree with Bryden Dumping his shares. I have said it before and I will say it again, he has his personal financial situation to deal with and if it means he sell a portion of his holding to accomodate his financial obligations, so be it.
2. Yes Stormont came in a "SAVED" Gap, when no one else did. I tend to think that Bryden took advantage (as all investors do) at a time when it needed to be done.
3. CEO is working for SC Stormont and has worked for a number of BRYDENs many successful companies.
4. I don't think we would "LIKE" more information on the 5 dose results. I just think if anything is done with the results and it doesn't benefit the shareholders, this would be construded as insider trading.
5. If we agree that the PR sucks, then why are we paying someone to "do" the job?
6. Buyout wont happen. (does that mean I am not an idiot?)
7. A meeting between GAP and NCI is possitive, will anything come out of it? Probably not, I think that something could happen much sooner. I am under the impression that there are no ONGOING conversations with Big Pharma, and that they are going to be going down that road.