RE: RE: RE: RE: John Helmer articleScary being the real deal in Russia. Isn't this where people get poisoned, shot and then nobody is ever found responsible, or in the case of the UK murder, when they know the likely suspect, extradited? And here, he is dealing with the most innocent of that lot right? Putin, the head of Severstal, all friends and "business associates" - a lovely group, no doubt about it!!
KPMG news. Old, they just want to put out more negative slanted news releases to scare people from buying in light of golds continued run up. I talked about this KPMG thing back on Oct. 22 in a post here, along with this gold run and how it will, in the end probably overrun all their best laid plans to keep the price down here. As well my past experience with KPMG on a corporate level, very poor experience. However, it's a great match for Severstal purposes IMO, they both have the same ethics.IMO They must have looked for the firm which was a close match for their approach and is up for such fine work!!! IMO
You will notice when there is upward pressure on the stock price, or the gold price moves up, that they release a news release that is anything but positive. Oh my, just at the time when they are trying to push through their ridiculous .38 placement, oops the gold price moves up again on them. What do they do? Probably scurry around, maybe even meet, and what might they say: uh gee comrades, what bad news can we put out, this price wants to move up, we can't have that can we? Think, is there bad news we can put out? What are we paying this BOD for anyway? We have put out as negative a slant as seems possible, and there are still folks who see through all our games and want to buy. We want folks to sell to US, and cheap at that. If the price moves up, it may jeopardise our little sweetheart deal. What do we do comrades?? I know! Uh du, we can tell them about our accountants resigning, that seems bad, no? Its old news, but anyone new thinking about buying will read this negatively. There is nothing else comrades, problem is, its ALL actually good, and we want to get this .38 placement done before it goes up to over a dollar. What about those Canadian securities and gov. people? The Canadian authorities, they will not do anything, no matter what we do, so lets work at keeping that price down to a penny or two above .38.
All hypothetical of course ( we need these qualifiers as they have a Canadian lawyer on board, licking away as well roflmao) but could it be true. You judge. LOL