almost a milion shares tradedand we are at 14 cents.Going to the moon,this Stock is,right with Gold breaking out.Buy your PLE now before the rush.All Bashers will go into hiding soon.
Bashers on PLE are most likely Profesional as they are too persistent and most likely work for some rich Guy who has been accumelating for a long time.So they help keep the Share price down.
But things will change now soon.The Peru Goverment is tired of Artisan Miners as they don't get any Tax Money out of them.They will put pressure on getting big Mining to come in .Today will also be big Day in Ecuador concerning the Mining Laws.
Escondido is still on the Table and could be huge with exploration going forward.
I am giving PLE a BUY signal.Herb wil most likely agree with me and remember he has been down there and seen the Gold first hand.Lots of super High grade.This is not 1 gram stoff,This is multy ounce stoff .
I have been loading up and run out of Money or would buy more.
Screw the Bashers,there Days are numbered.
Do your own DD