RE: RE: French ConnectionClint: So I should learn how to make my DD? Given your use of "make," rest assured, I was able to make my DD before I was one week old.
On the other hand, if you meant I should learn how to do my due diligence, I agree. I've been unable to find anything specific about what due diligence is or how it's done. If you, Clint, or anyone else can help me find out more about due diligence, I'd appreciate it. I once tried reading Benjamin Graham's book, but 500 pages of financial analysis prepares someone for a financial analysis career ... not my goal.
My response to "what's the point?????????" is that impressionistic insight is not irrelevant to investment decisions. Quite the opposite, given that a fair % of investors have enough business background to consider financial ratio and gold production patterns across a few years of financial statements, impressionistic insight (if valid) would likely separate superior investors from average ones. In fact, what makes Warren Buffett different is what he can do above-and-beyond standard financial assessment. He considers where a company is positioned within an industry, within an economy. He talks with company executives to get a feel for their competance and character. His ability to identify synergies between the quantitative and non-quantitative factors pertaining to a company is what distinguishes him from others...that's the point, Clint.
The fact that the relevance of my French-Connection comment eludes you might be because my comment was not useful or because you were impervious to it's value. I'm allowed to post my thoughts, which is all I did. What concerns me is your readiness to belittle: Your comment about my comment is sarcastic, as if you think you're better or smarter than me. I'm not in a contest with know virtually nothing about me, and yet you accent your sarcasm with seven question marks, as if to say any moron would be aware of Risky's shallowness.
Grow up Clint. Look deep inside for whatever fragments of humility lie dormant beneath the safety of your arrogant fascade. Without cannot grow, and all the DD in the world cannot fix that.