RE: REAL example- response from OSC... Laugh or crOne more follow up thought: although manipulation is difficult to prove, especially when it might originate where records are not available, and even if they are, can be masked in corporate vale, give enough rope to anyone and you never know. However, the real issue here, at this point is valuation.IMO
A class action, or other favorable outcome will target this area. This is far more easily established, although not simple. But when the gold and silver price continue to ride high, it gets easier.IMO As well, the lack of BOD and managment efforts to enhance shareholder value, given viable options not responded to, is also a factor.IMO
So in writing to MLA types: it is the value issue. The manipulation, may seem obvious, but it is conjecture only. Valuation however in light of proven reserves, production etc is fact. We might wish that our Gov. agencies did the work with respect to potential manipulation, but they do not appear likely to do anything. It means hard work.LOL
Value: well even they might get that concept. Especially opposition MLA types, who love issues, and here is one. Government in power wants to do more business with Russia but can't protect EVEN current Canadian shareholder investors in a CANADIAN COMPANY, controlled by this target group for MORE investment. Does anyone see a contradiction here?????roflmao