RE: RE: silver crown 6Thanks
Guess I didn't go back far enough. Strange though that in their MD&A, dated three months after the results, they would say they are still pending. They must have been using cut and paste from an old one.
I got this from the technical report dated that same summer:
It is also possible that the Montrose quartz-sulphide veins extend from the Red Cliff property to
the north, onto the northwest portion of the Silver Crown 6 claim.
Please note though that the '08 drilling did not take place in this area, it was off to the east, so how then did they go from saying that it's possible that the Montrose zone extends to DEC land to the point now that they show it extending there on the map on their website. Something that summer other than drilling must have convinced them, then they entered into a deal on the Red Cliff and drilled there first Most likely because if they had drilled Silver Coin first they wouldn't have been able to do a deal on Red Cliff with good results in hand.
All this to say I'm looking forward to drilling on Silver Coin's Montrose extension. It certainly wasn't those low grade base metal results off to the east which compelled them to go after Red Cliff.