Hate to break it to you boysbut if you were buying this base on the mckenzie pipeline getting the ok then it probably doesn't look to promising base on remarks made by the government recently. Also if you think insider buys by Ifr's managment is so promising I rather you look into MGX on the Toronto.
They have billions of proven barrels of gas and insiders are buying millions of Dollars in shares yet they are only trading at .12 cents. Goes to show you the market doesn't think the pipeline will happen.
So I guess my pt is ..why not buy MGX with billions of barrels, insiders loading up millions upon millions of shares and trades only twice what IFR trades..makes more sense if you ask me. Anyhow I don't own either one just thought I give insight.
Would only begin to buy after the dec decision. And MGX being on the big board would be the better buy. I dare anyone to say IFR is better and prove it.